logodynamip.jpg (2633 bytes) Setup Startup Parameters

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Setup Examples
Setup Options
Setup Launch
Setup Time
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Setup Uploader
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Setup WEBchat
Setup WEBcam
Setup Scanner
Setup Non-Standard Ports
Setup Startup Parameters

You can provide the following command line parameters when you start DynamIP:

/I=<INIfile> Where <INIfile> is the name of the file that contains the DynamIP settings. The default file is called DynamIP.INI.
/P=<Path> Where <Path> is the path where DynamIP is looking for the INIfile, writes the LOGfile, and read/writes any other files that don't have specific paths defined. The default path is the DynamIP installation directory, usually C:\Program Files\DynamIP\)
/S When this switch is present DynamIP starts in NT Service mode (see DynamIP as an NT Service for more details). If DynamIP runs in NT Service mode it always reads its settings from the file DynamIPS.INI.

Command line parameters are handy, if more than one person uses DynamIP on your system. For example, assume that JoeDoe and MaryDIPS both use DynamIP. If DynamIP has been installed into the default directory C:\Program Files\DynamIP\ you can have a unique INI file for each of the users. The follwing shortcuts would allow each user to have his/her own INI file:

User Target Entry of Shortcut (only the INI file is different for each users)
JoeDoe "C:\Program Files\DynamIP\DynamIP.exe" /I=DynamIPjoedoe.INI
MaryDIPS "C:\Program Files\DynamIP\DynamIP.exe" /I=DynamIPmarydips.INI

If you want to go one step further and actually use different directories for each user, you can specify the path for the directory to use as well. DynamIP will read/write any needed files from the specified directory, including templates, sound files, etc.

User Target Entry of Shortcut (each user uses a different path)
JoeDoe "C:\Program Files\DynamIP\DynamIP.exe" /P=C:\Program Files\DynamIP\JoeDoe
MaryDIPS "C:\Program Files\DynamIP\DynamIP.exe" /P=C:\Program Files\DynamIP\MaryDIPS

Note that in the above example there is no need to specify a specific INI file for each user because they use different directories (each user has a file DynamIP.INI in his/her own directory). Note that DynamIP does not create such subdirectories automatically, i.e. you must create them yourself.

It is possible to specify both the path and the INI file by using both command line parameters.


Last modified: January 23, 1999
OFFLINEvisitors since May 1, 1998

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